Balanced by Nature
Checkout out Mr. Jared’s nature connection books
Illustrated with bits of his land, all 3 books follow Mooshy Moo & Grumpus (mushroom siblings) as they discover mindfulness, wildlife tracking, and bird language! Find them at your local bookstore here!
Mr. Jared is passionate about animal parties! Here’s how you can throw one at your place:
Get to know our Native Plant Partners:
Patty at Leaves for Wildlife in Sunbury is passionate about getting as many native trees into as many yards as possible: trees feed the caterpillars, who feed all the other animals! She’s donated 100+ trees and shrubs to our schools, families, and Mr. Jared’s property!
Dave at Star Farms Native Plants in Kenton is a knowledgeable grower who has donated tons of seeds for Mr. Jared’s property! As those plants grow and mature, Mr. Jared will share their seeds with anyone and everyone who’ll plant them!
Gale at Natives in Harmony in Marengo is THE native plant expert in Ohio! Her property is an amazing oasis of awesome native plants… some rare ones too! She’s more than happy to help you go native and has donated 32 plants to our school gardens!
How does Mr. Jared know the names of so many plants and animals? The app below! Check it out:
Ask Mr. Jared!
Are you curious about an animal brother or sister? Do you want to know more about creating an ecosystem in your yard? Or, did something awesome happen to you outside you want to share? Let me know!
Mr. Jared’s recommended reading:
Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel by Carl Safina
The book that started my naturalist journey!
Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
This book tells why it is SO important to get our kids outside… often!
What the Robin Knows by Jon Young
This book was a mind-blowing look into understanding what the birds out your window are saying and doing!
How to Raise a Wild Child by Scott D. Sampson
Practical tips for connecting to nature as a family… even if you’re not any kind of expert!
For the Beauty of the Earth by Steven Bouma-Prediger
An awesome book that connected my Christian faith to my passion for creation!
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Reflections at Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Both the books above offer beautiful and poetic exploration of nature… read these outside!
The Humane Gardener by Nancy Lawson
An incredible book about how to help your animal neighbors AND do less yard work!
“Bird language is about acquiring some "jungle etiquette," and the magic spot is where this starts to happen...Instead of flushing out the wrens and chickadees and robins and sparrows with your noise, learn to sit quietly and watch, listen, learn and connect.”