HOPE for 2022
January 1st, 2022 I started Team HOPE 2022, where “hope” stands for “Helping Ohioans Plant Ecosystems”. Basically, I’m assembling as many Ohio native plant people and organizations as possible with one goal: to strategically give away as many Ohio-native wildflower seeds and plants as possible in 2022!
This AWESOME logo was designed by Laura Oldham of Return to Sender Paper Co (they sell seed paper!)
My inspiration for starting Team HOPE 2022 was: New Year's Eve we rushed my youngest daughter Savannah to Children's because she was showing signs of a sudden and life-threatening illness. She had tested positive for Covid weeks earlier and recovered, but then got the flu. Her body couldn’t handle the viral load and her skin broke out in the worst rash I (or the doctors!) had ever seen. We rushed her to Children’s because she was showing signs of MIS-C, which can lead to organ failure etc.
Me and my youngest daughter Savannah
After lots of prayer and great doctor work, we left that evening with a recovering daughter and hope for 2022. I know from my own research that native plants actually help the people around them be physically healthier (and lots of other benefits). After our bout with sicknesses (and everyone else’s with Omicron), I feel we could ALL use whatever help we can get!
Later that night I was having trouble sleeping (probably the adrenaline) and the acronym "Helping Ohioans Plant Ecosystems" just sort of popped into my head. So the next day I put out a vision on some various Facebook groups and wow, people responded. I've been consistently delighted by the enthusiasm and generosity of native plant people... they're the best. The goal, as stated above, is to gather as many native plant people and organizations together to cooperatively and strategically give away as many seeds and plants as possible this year. I'm hoping to eliminate as many obstacles as possible for people to give, and for people to plant.
My vision is for Team HOPE 2022 giveaway boxes to be in cafes, libraries, churches, small businesses etc. all over Ohio. From now until the end of March, we will be focused on seed collecting, packaging, and giving. Beginning in April, we will switch to plant growing, labeling, and giving.
My long-term stretch goal would be to have a wonderful successful year in 2022, and then continue the effort for 2023 and even create a model that other states could use (perhaps changing their name to "Helping Our State Plant Ecosystems".) I can even see teaming up with Homegrown National Park and the national Wild Ones.
How YOU can get involved:
Me and my prairie
Some logistics: I am a husband, dad of two, school naturalist, landowner, etc. etc. and very much do NOT want to be the "do-everything-guy" for this. I really want to emphasize the "team" aspect and use our collective minds and influence to accomplish more than I ever could on my own. I also don't want to get tangled up in taxes (so I am not accepting direct financial donations), and I do not want to harm any native plant businesses (so I am not asking for discounts or donations from any nurseries or seed suppliers.)
Instead, I'm hoping to inspire as many native plant people as possible to collect seeds themselves from their gardens and package them using custom seed envelopes as well as grow plugs for spring giveaways. I've also looked into teaming up with local T-shirt companies to sell shirts with our logo and use profits to order seeds for us directly. Being an election year, perhaps the HOPE 2022 name would be particularly popular? I also want to empower Team HOPE 2022 Heroes to come up with innovative ways to fundraise for seeds on their own.
I'm so excited about the momentum we're already seeing for this movement, and I can't wait to see the first giveaway box in public! We’re actively partnering with great people and organizations such as: Ohio Prairie Nursery Seeds, Ohio Native Plant Month, FLOW, Green Columbus and more! Would your company like to join the effort to make Ohio healthier?
To get involved and become a Team HOPE Hero, Find us on Facebook/Instagram @ohiohope2022. Find all our current resources here: linktr.ee/ohiohope2022. I’m already filled with hope as I’m learning just how many people are committed already to feeding the birds, bringing the butterflies, saving the bees and making our kids and our state happier and healthier!